Are you a pet owner and dog lover?
If yes, you would love to know about the most popular and intelligent dog breeds to adopt. There are more than 450 breeds of dogs around the world. Every species has its specific capabilities and specialties, some are hunting breeds, protection, and domestic and many are very violent breeds.
When someone decides to adopt a dog, he should get proper information and knowledge of the different breeds to avoid any violent breed as they are too aggressive and dangerous.
before selecting a dog to adopt you should consult any pet trainer to confirm if the breed is recommended according to the area and place.
If you live in an urban area you should adopt a domestic dog and if you live in a rural area or mountains it's much better to adopt a protection and hunting breed dog. Here are the most common and popular dog breeds to adopt as family pets.
• Labrador retrievers
• German shepherd
• Golden retrievers
• French bulldogs
• Bulldogs
• Beagles
• Poodles
• Rottweilers
• German shorthaired pointers
• Yorkshire terriers
Photo by Benjamin Ibañez on Unsplash
Labrador Retrievers
These cordial and dynamic puppies are the most adopted pets for the last 2 decades almost. This breed has many special abilities, at a time it can be a family dog, a hunting fellow, and a protector of its area. Sometimes Labradors are kept specially to guard properties and welcome any intruders with their aggressive and violent behavior.
This breed has a special athletic nature and has been seen in competitions sometimes with their best performance.
Labradors can be trained as a guide or assistance dogs because they are too much intelligent and fast learners.
The liberators are medium size breed and can have a height between 21 to 24 inches. the average weight of a male is 25 kg to 36 kg and for a female is 25kg to 32 kg. the average life period of a Labrador breed dog is 8 to 10 years.
Photo by Anna Dudkova on Unsplash
German Shepherds
The famous german shepherd was originally a herding dog breed to herd sheep. But with time and development in breed it is being used for many other tasks like assistance, protection, search and find, watchdog and rescue, sniffing, and warfare.
These believed buddies frequently fill in as police canines and administration canines since they're wildly faithful to their fundamental guardians. To forestall over-monitoring and forceful ways of behaving.
German shepherd canines should have socialization and compliance preparation very early in life.
German shepherds are medium to large size breeds and need a little extra regular care and maintenance for their hairs to kept keep from shredding.
Usually, males are up to 24/26 inches high and 30 to 40kg weighted and females are 20/24 inches high and 22 to 32kg weight. German shepherds live around 10-12 years.
Golden Retrievers
Golden retrievers are a Scottish breed of retrieving dogs. in the past, the breed was used for retrieving hunter's shot. they are very useful as companion dogs, in hunting and sports, and as competitors if trained well. This insightful variety is essentially the celebrity of the gathering featuring jobs on Full House, Air Bud, and Back home Bound.
The retrievers are brilliant in gathering and shot-picking. they expect essentially an hour of day-to-day work workout to satisfy their name. They love recovering pretty much anything tossed for them.
This makes them incredible hunting associates and beloved family pets. These are medium size breeds and an average male’s height is up to 22 to 24 inches and weighs 25 to 34 kg, females are 22 to 22 inches high and weigh 22 to 33 kg. The life period of a golden retriever is 10 to 13 years.
French Bulldog
This is the breed of companion and toy dog of French origin. these are the most common dogs to be kept as pets and the family dog. The reason behind this is their size and appearance. in the year 2020, the breed was the second number on the list of top adopted pet dogs. These are calm, intelligent, and socialized breeds and don’t need any special attention and care for maintenance as compared to all other dog breeds.
As they are intelligent so it’s easy to train a French bulldog to be a good and friendly home pet. The lovely little fellows are the most liked dog breed of female pet lovers.
These are easy to keep at home with small kids without any fear of aggressiveness. They bark at guests and strangers but don’t bite. The average size of a French bulldog is 10 to 13 inches high and 9 to 14 kg heavy. The life period of this breed is 7 to 10 years.
The Bulldogs are a little fatty breed with scrambled skin around the neck and a back-pushed nose which make their appearance very special among all breeds. these are the most powerful dogs and they can be very aggressive sometimes because of their violent nature.
A bulldog will never allow any stranger into the area around. These are not too active naturally and also because of their heavy fatty bodies as compared to other breeds.
These are most friendly, patient, and calm if trained properly to be adopted as pets. Bulldogs can form strong bonds with children. The Bulldog has a short fine coat that is shaded tan, white, rosy brown, streak, or piebald.
The average height of bulldogs lies between 13 to 15 inches and can be heavy up to 18 to 23 kg. bulldogs live a short life. The average life period of a healthy and well-maintained bulldog is 5 to 6 years.
Photo by Luke MacGillivray on Unsplash
This breed was primarily known for hunting hares the event was known as beagling. So inspired by their use the name started for them beagles. they have a great ability to smell and track so, the breed can be trained and used as a sniffer and searching dog. They are mostly used by police and other units to detect any unauthorized item from import or export during inspections and security checks on airports and other road routes.
This breed is Inquisitive and joyful. beagles will follow their noses around the house when they get a chance to go out because the sense of smell controls their mind.
Beagles can be hard to housetrain. Certain individuals say it can require as long as a year to completely housetrain a few beagles. the reason behind this is they don’t like to be confined in the house except they love to be in the open area and grounds. but once they are familiar with the home and owner they are most social and friendly.
The average height of beagles is 11 to 13 inches and the weight is from 9 to 13 kg. normal healthy dog of this breed lives a life of 12 to 15 years.
Photo by Hans Ole Benonisen on Unsplash Poodles
This is the breed of water dog and was used for recovering duck hunters' shots from water. these are divided into 4 categories based on their size. standard poodle, medium poodle, miniature poodle, and toy poodle. However, all poodles are viewed as one breed. Waterfowl hunters used the primary breed to retrieve shots from water.
The poodles are excellent performers and companions as they are a highly intelligent and social breed. poodles are used in the military because of their intelligent nature and fast learning capabilities and their hunting background.
Dogs of this breed are not suitable for guarding and protection as their nature is not violent and aggressive. They are social and can be a good pets if properly trained and taken care of. they need extra care and attention to maintain their furry skins and save them from shredding.
A poodle can be 9inch to 24 inches high depending on the breed and can weigh from 6 kg to 32 kg. the expected life of poodles is 10 to 16 years.
Photo by Michael Starkie on Unsplash
These were anciently used to protect herds of animals and pull and drag small carts. As these dogs are very much intelligent and their smelling senses are great now they are used for searching and sniffing, protection, as police dogs, as companions or guides, and as family pets.
The dog of this breed has more powerful jaws and can be aggressive to strangers sometimes. But they are quite social and friendly to the owner and kids in a social environment.
The rottweilers are naturally active and need exercise and workout daily. the natural behavior of the rottweiler is to watch, wait and react silently. The breed’s Average height for male rottweilers is 24 to 27 inches and for females is 22 to 24 inches and weight for males is 50 to 60 kg and for females is 35 to 49 kg. a rottweiler can live a life of 8 to 10 years.
Photo by Kev Costello on Unsplash
German Shorthaired Pointers
German shorthaired pointers are known as extraordinary hunter and field canines due to their insight and incredible sense of smell and sniffing. These dogs have a high prey drive in light of their hunting history, they are always anxious to pursue any little creature that crosses their way.
A fenced yard and chain are an unquestionable necessity for this unique variety. Your German shorthaired pointer is probably going to stray and do whatever he might want to do if he's not trained to remain around the house.
These dogs are very social and friendly when being kept in a family having kids.
They love to play with kids and are passionate about taking care of kids. they can be aggressive to strangers and guests because of their hunting nature. These dogs are naturally tough and energetic and they need regular exercise. Also, they need extra care and maintenance to save their fur from shedding. These are the most friendly and socialized breed to other canines.
A healthy male German shorthaired pointer can gain a height of 24 to 28 inches and weight of 26 to 30kg. females are 22 to 26 inches high and weighted from 24 to 27kg. the average life period of this dog is 8 to 12 years.
Photo by Daria Turchak on Unsplash
Yorkshire Terriers
These little stylish and cute dogs are called Yorkshire terriers. This is the most stylish dog breed. Also, these terriers are the most famous companion fellows. They are joyful and social dogs and even show anxiety and frustration when left alone. These are recommended pets for families having small kids because of their calm and social nature. this intelligent breed is very easy to train and they are a fast learner.
The best thing about Yorkshire is they very easy to take anywhere. As they are small they don’t need much exercise.
The only thing a Yorkshire demands is your full attention and attraction.
These are perfect watchdogs as they always bark at strangers and any unfamiliar activity in the surroundings. Proper training and attention can make this little creature a perfect pet. The average height of a Yorkshire terrier dog is 8 to 9 inches and the maximum weight is up to 4kg. a good maintain and healthy Yorkshire terrier can live a total life of 13 to 16 years.
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